Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well whaddayaknow, I missed my blog's birthday! AGAIN! *hehe*

So happy 2nd birthday blog! Thanks to you:

I have a place to give my thoughts a free rein in expression in word; at times wacky and unconventional, and at other times, serious and contemplative. Each post shows a different facet of me.

I harness both the art of speaking directly and couching underneath crafted phrases pregnant with meaning. Some prose is strangely moving - even I can't believe I could write that.

I use it once in a while to publicize friends' events and happenings: fourletterstory, joe loy and the warehouse project...

I can make money? (*heheh* Nuffnang can do with another one in the network. No boss, I'm not moonlighting.)

I try to allow people to see that in life there are different ways of looking at the same thing. The only thing that matters is whether we're viewing situations from the perspective of the Creator God and His purpose in allowing us to go through it.

... So thank you Livewire for providing me an avenue to be insane in order to preserve my sanity. My dad says that kids are at the "funnest" stage when they're 2 going on 3 (or somewhere there la) because they can play with you. I'm thinking - hmm, beyond that, they start asking A LOT OF QUESTIONS = frankly, quite irritating sometimes. Aikk, what will Livewire be in the next year? I don't know - but I hope you stick around to find out! Love to all!


Malcolm said...



~ Jules ~ said...

Hi Mal! Livewire thanks you! =)

Sarah.... said...

Happy bloggy birthday!

~ Jules ~ said...

Bubbly Bloggy gives a big warm hug to Shivery Sarah!! =)