Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I've survived!

Yes, Jules has survived another season of 'giving birth' to my Annual Report babies - the weeks of poring over every minute (and I really mean minute) detail, making almost non-stop phone calls to designers, going for client meetings ready to defend the placement of every word and graphic... hounding the delivery guys when they fail to arrive before the 5pm deadline, trying to pacify the client, keeping my frustration in check when the books arrive 2 hours after the promised time....

Gosh. Put it that way, I wonder how I've done it thus far.

With God's help I'm sure.

More than once this season I had to commit my day to the Lord the moment I woke up, because only He could work things out for me. I had to pray for Him to allow me to rest fitfully and without any nightmares so that I'd be alert the next morning. I had to say out loud, "Lord I need a breakthough," when the doors slammed in my face. On many occasions I refused to give in to panic although I was buckling under the load. This season was really tough; really really tough.

In many ways these seasons teach us a lesson about our limits - when to stop, when to give in, and when to look up. My mistake is that I always think I can do it - when I put my mind to it. These seasons taunt me - can you really?

Then my answer comes, in the final moments just before I drift off to sleep - the realization that God has enabled me to accomplish the things I did, and the reality of His control in each day. I was - I am - grateful to be able to call upon a living God for breakthrough. I called, and He answered me.

My smile in early June is oft one of immense relief, and more importantly, of joy. Thank You God for being my reason.



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