Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love so amazing...

How I have come this far, I have no idea. I only know the bits and pieces...

"Fly high," urged a friend, many years ago. I told him to keep me grounded. In a way I think I still am, yet I'm moving forward at the same time.

"What's my heartsong, Lord?" I asked, as I drove on the MRR2. Thank God for the distance between SS15 and Pandan Mewah, which allowed ample time for the song to fall onto my lap.

"Can I give you a line?" wrote Phylli in my YM chatbox. "Pegang hatiku di tanganMu." Hold my heart in Your hand.

"Bila..." echoed Patrick, at our voice audition in DUMC. And a year later, "Could I include your song in Elohim?"

"...And by the way, I believe God might give you a special honour to worship sing/lead for Him before many thousands Christians next year..." wrote Pastor Caleb in an email. (insert raised eyebrows)

"Hi, I'm Pastor Alvin from Subang. Next year on May 23rd we'll have the Malaysian chapter of the Global Day of Prayer..." in a phone call received on a weekday.

Only God sees and understands the depth of my gratitude, that He still chooses to use an imperfect and broken vessel to do His work, to be a blessing, to demonstrate His glory to His people. Only God could see my deepest, darkest secrets, and still consider me worthy to be a recipient of His incomparable grace and matchless love.

Words are beyond me, God. All I can say is thank You, from the bottom of my heart.

Setiap detik, demi namaMu.



Sharon Amrita said...

Jules, it's the simplest heart-felt songs written in moments of honest prayers that amaze us.. knowing it is the Lord that has given it to us. I always thank God for the way He has blessed you with the bountiful gifts of music and singing and songwriting. I pray tt you will continue to use these for His glory! =)

~ Jules ~ said...

Thanks so much, Sharon. I'm inspired by you in so many ways. Love you!