Sunday, June 13, 2010


To restore, to make new again, to refresh.
To impart new life and vigor.
To recreate, to rebuild.

The month of May flew past at such a burst of speed that astounded even me. I mean, like, I've practically felt that my body's been playing catch up since 2010 began - I should be used to the 'timing difference' by now, no?

Apparently not. I jotted 'April' at the top of my notes the other day, when 'real time' is 2 months after.

And I find myself making grammatical mistakes in speech and writing - it's somewhat surprising, though at least I take comfort in the fact that I am conscious that a mistake's been made. But still!!

Should you ask, though, if I'm unhappy, I'd probably say no. Keeping pace at work and all of life's "grown-up" issues have just consumed me, that's all. I feel like I'm at "testing" phase, for the a study on "how much she can endure in life."

... Which means that having an hour and a half to read and nap on a Sunday afternoon is such a welcome luxury that I'm so so grateful for. The very thought of downtime is refreshing. Not too long, that I feel bored; just right a time slot to call mine.

I guess God made us such that amidst the frenetic pace, we need to take a step back and take stock, lie down and rejuvenate. It's called balance. It gives us opportunity to thank Him, and savour what He has placed in our lives to enjoy - nature, rest, friendship.

I'm grateful, God. "Thank You" isn't half sufficient to express my gratitude. Your wisdom is matchless, Your grace so abounding.

I'm ready to face that which You have placed for this week. With Your help, and Your mighty right hand, I will rise.


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