Saturday, February 09, 2008

Livewire's First Poll!

Hello folks!

Now for some interactivity! The idea sprung into mind last night - and so I'll ask you, dear readers - what is your favourite Livewire post of 2007? Take part in the poll on the right-column, and yes, you are allowed multiple votes... The ones listed are some of the more notable ones, and if you've others, do let me know which ones in the comment section yeah?

The poll is only valid for 15 days from now! So let me know!

Oh yes, this poll only "regular-type" posts, and not poems/prose/verse... that'll probably be the next poll subject... if there are enough entries, that is...



Sarah.... said...

I was superbly busy when this poll came out and when it closed, but I will still vote anyway!! I like "Lessons in Pain," "The Measure of Success," "Not Today," and "Not One Day". And this may surprise you, but I really really appreciate "Death, Anyone?" Honesty always grabs me. There have been times when I have almost done the same, then paused, and said, "Haiyah...what will people think of me?" But you - you're brave.

~ Jules ~ said...

Dear dear Sarah,

Brave? Hmm... Didn't set out to be brave, but just am more expressive than most people. The problem about me is my tendency to be extreme - I can swing either way and I have hurt others along the process. By His grace, I'm trying to be even-tempered and forgiving.

I have found that when we reveal layers of our hearts through blog posts or songs, people respond. Particularly when it is related to some form of hurt or injustice served.

May whatever we write and say be true to ourselves and reflect His goodness in our lives.