Monday, February 11, 2008

What we learnt from Moulin Rouge

Suddenly I recalled the online chat with my best friend from high school. It must have taken place about... 6, maybe 7 years ago (or more, even).

Frogz: So what movies have you watched lately?
Jules: Moulin Rouge!! Have you seen it yet? You absolutely have to!!
Frogz: Yeah... seen that... Nicole Kidman is so hot!! Shorty, you gotta do the makeup thing la...
Jules: Hahaha.... yeah right, watch me start....NOT!!
Frogz: What is the moral of the story, in your opinion?
Jules: Ummm... that true love ultimately prevails.
Frogz: Wanna know what my take-away was?
Jules: What?
Frogz: Even courtesans find love.

-- That's right. Even courtesans find love.

Come what may.


Joel Vijay said...

"Come wat may!" Haha. Feeling a li'l nostalgic recalling those sidewalk chats in our college days - Singing in the streets!

Here's to life, love and a God who's ever faithful :)

~ Jules ~ said...

Indeedy, God is faithful!

So good to catch up for a chat. Next is to progress to a meet-up. What to do, stretched folks like us... ;)