Monday, August 18, 2008

A Time to Grow

I'd never once imagined that the book of Esther would be so relevant in the social and political aspects in a modern world. Perhaps it was because the Sunday School version portrayed Esther's story as some sort of a Biblical fairytale - where things get rough, but in the nick of time, everything ends happy ever after.

Only now when I delve into the beautifully-crafted story do I realize that there is so much more to uncover...

... Esther epitomizes a gentle yet strong woman, who won favour of those around her by her humility and gentleness, apart from her beauty. In the course of the book, her naivete was replaced by a growing maturity - demonstrated in the careful execution of her plans, patiently laying each piece of the puzzle in place. There was no hurry; just taking it step by step; waiting on the Lord for wisdom and patience.

... God truly works in the background, and His timing is impeccably perfect. It is no coincidence that God granted Esther and Mordecai favour of the king at every opportune time, that the plans of 'vile Haman' were 11 months delayed, and that the king overruled the evil decree exactly one year after it was first dispatched. It was just God at work. Amazing.

It is comforting to know that God is working in the background even if we cannot quite see Him. At the same time it can be downright exasperating when the way forward isn't as clear as we'd like it to be... but then again that's probably because we're too impatient to wait upon Him. (I know that's my problem.)

My Lord knows my heart. Help me to see You at work in my life.

When fears arise, this world distracts, whisper aloud,
Set my heart aflame, grant me the faith, be with me always...


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