Sunday, August 10, 2008

Harrowing! Exhausting! Absolutely exhilarating!

The words describe the past 2 weeks for me...

One of the weeks saw me facing a seemingly-unending crisis in office from Monday to Wednesday... It tested the limits of my patience and stress... It consumed so much energy from my being that it felt like a whole week had past; and indeed when I woke up on Thursday, my first thought was: "Oh! It's Saturday!"

... I know God sustained me.

Another weekend saw me being on piano at church, and playing with the young people just brings me so much joy. They're blessed with so much talent, and have so much potential to grow further!

That Sunday a big bunch of us went to the Passion Conference Kuala Lumpur - where Chris Tomlin and Charlie Hall led us in AWESOME worship... Am so privileged to see Chris sing "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" LIVE... and have him introduce the powerful "God of this city".... Louie Giglio brought us God's word so clearly, based on Isaiah 26:8 - the verse that Passion is based on. And from their blog ( ) it's quite clear that they are proclaiming GOD in every city they go...

... Indeed, God is the hope for a world that desperately needs Him. And He's working amongst the youths IN EVERY CITY for His purpose.

This past weekend was one of the fullest I'd gone through in some time... Cell group brought a bunch of 10 kids to the zoo as part of our reach out to the poorer community... Each kid is special in His sight, and we sought to show His love to them that day...

... Thereafter I headed to Sarah's place for a power nap and then to church for worship practice and Saturday service... And after that I had a band audition that kept me in church till 10.30pm - but again, being with the young people invigorated me! And the months of our playing together showed in the tight band we had. More so, the laughter and smiles that shone through belied a deeper sense of belonging within.

... It is God who has sustained and kept me; God who has blessed me with so much, that I gotta give it away. Thank YOU.

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