Saturday, November 10, 2007

Doodling Rainbows

Upon a stark white canvas
The imagination whirled
What could possibly depict my perfect world?
Without quite thinking the white screen suddenly had
A splash of violet, an indigo streak
Blue as azure as the shoes on baby's feet
Stunning green, bright sunny yellow
With whom the orange dash made cheerful bedfellows
Finally the magnificent crimson red...
Oh my goodness, a rainbow in its place.

Under its gorgeous colours we have all once stood
Admiring, reaching to touch it if we could
And sometimes someone comes along, and with a quiet sigh,
Places a bit of that rainbow into our hearts to abide.

May your days be merry! May your face be bright!
May your radiant smiles never shut out the light!
May you have pretty rainbows in your heart and days!
May the love of family and friends guide you always...

1 comment:

Sarah.... said...

I absolutely LOVE this poem.