Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let me FLY!

I have and will continue to throw off everything that hinders me from reaching my aspirations.

I have and will continue to demand my way as long as it makes sense and in the absence of other alternatives.

I have and will continue to weather the storms ahead, if I so believe that my actions and decisions are correct and beneficial for most parties involved, including mine. And temporary hurt is ALWAYS worth long-term justice where situations are put right.

I will always be the independent and headstrong young woman I was cut out to be. It fits me. Do not expect me to whimper. Even if I do, it'll be for a mere second, after which I will get up and run.

Do not attempt to place me in a corner with nowhere to run. I will bite.

I am not so much angry. I just wish to state my principles for the record. I am sick of stereotypes and dispassionates. I am sick of people trying to fit me in a box and label me. In fact, it amuses me when people try to do that; and watch them fail miserably.

I'm ECCENTRIC, and I will NEVER change. Deal with it.


Anonymous said...


~ Jules ~ said...

Dear Anonymous,

I know. I amaze myself sometimes too.