Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What are you going to do about it?

I was posed this question today.

I don't want to do. I just want to BE.

I want to be quiet and not talk to anyone, to hear my own voice, have my own opinions, be true to me and not be a mere mouthpiece. It is a luxury for me to sit down, stare into space and think wherever my thoughts lead me; to dream. I miss that. Everything now demands my all, my full attention, my subsequent action and reaction.

I want to be happy, and do the things I want to do, not only the things I'm told or called to do.

I want to be free, from the obligations imposed on me, from the watching, prying eyes of judgmental, critical people, from the constant pressure of performing to meet and exceed the expectations of those around me. Within the inner turmoil, I long for peace.

I'm tired. Tired of constantly doing, relentlessly pursuing, keeping it going.

Leave me alone. Let me rest.

Let me be.

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